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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Have Tea Party Newbie’s lost it or did they ever have IT?

           Tea Party members of congress have been a royal pain during the negotiation process of the debt limit. Many of these new congressmen are impeding the process of the country and even some Republicans are starting to question their motives. They have relied heavily on demonizing Democrats for trying to save public programs which help out many of the less fortunate in our country. When will constituents realize that these representatives are not out for the better of the American people or the United States. The only legislation that they are interested in pushing involve; permanent no increase in taxes for the wealthy, revoking Medicare and Medicaid, reduction in social security, stopping gay marriage from legalization and revoking abortion rights.  
            First of all, the permanent no increase in taxes is a fantasy, how could such legislation even be considered a rational thought. Who knows what the future holds, as the wealth divide continues to increase the only way to create an even playing field is to tax those who make the most money. The classic argument from the right as well as many of the wealthy is: “increasing taxes on the wealthy will destroy jobs for others.” Well why is it then that while corporations are making record profits and paying little taxes that unemployment is so high? Another classic argument from many of the wealthy is: “I’ve worked hard all my life for my money, why should I share, if they want money tell them to go work for it.” Comments like this are common, these people never consider the people that have worked 2 or 3 jobs their whole life to support a family. Not everyone is born with the same opportunities and in the land of opportunity, everyone should have the right to education, healthcare and the necessities to live life. The more competitive our public education and healthcare become the better off the United States society will be.
            Second, revoking Medicare and Medicaid and reducing social security would drastically effect the elderly and many others in the United States many of whom cannot pay for their illnesses and daily life without these programs. This would also affect Americans with disabilities, low-income families and veterans. I for one do not want to subject fellow Americans to unproper care and degrading lifestyles. It is the responsibility of a nation and its people  to take care of those within its boundaries who are less fortunate and give them the opportunity to succeed. Unfortunately our society has always been geared towards degrading a section of society while the others prosper. During the 1800’s and until about 1975 it was African-Americans, during the 1940’s it was Japanese-Americans, the Cold War it was the communist and now it is the poor. We must not alienate these people but encourage them to succeed.  
            Thirdly, gay marriage and abortion. Honestly these are both personal issues and this lifestyle and choice should be defended in our civil liberties. Already 53% of the American public approve gay marriage. This, much like religion is a personal choice and government should not be able to decide for the people. What is amazing about the matter is that right wing conservatives vouch for less government but want to control both of these issues, this seems contradictory.
            Have Tea Partiers lost it or did they ever have it? That is the question tonight as you reflect from these pointed arguments. Are these representatives in fact looking out for their constituents well being or are they simply trying to further divide America. You are the decision makers, make your decision count.

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