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Friday, July 15, 2011

Decision Time

The time has come to make this deal work. President Obama has given the GOP plenty of their perquisites, primarily in budget cuts, they total almost $2.7 trillion over the next ten years. Not to mention, that these cuts will come out of some truly liberal programs that affect many Americans, those being, Medicare, Medicaid and social security. It seems that the President is handing the GOP a gift and still they are not budging.

These Republicans are not trying to make a deal for the good of the people, instead they are doing just the opposite. They want spending cuts, tax cuts and they believe that this will ultimately lead to a stronger economy. Have we not seen enough of this for the past 10 years? Look at what we have now, this current economical travesty that we are in has not been caused by two and half years of Barack Obama. It took two terms of George Bush, an unfunded war, and tax breaks for all (especially the extremely wealthy), to create this mess.

What the American people need to realize is that when Republicans speak about tax breaks they are specifically speaking of those for the wealthy. Did you know that Warren Buffet pays less taxes proportionally than his secretary. That is absolutely mind boggling and people are asking for more of these tax cuts, madness. Wake up America, this is only occurring because the vast majority of the American people are not willing to do their own research; and simply believe whatever Rush Limbaugh or Ann Colture say and portray on fox news.

            Whatever the circumstance this deficit deal needs to get done, plain and simple. We must put pressure on the politicians to do what is right for this nation. I do not support President Obama taking this into his own hands without congress. The Republicans are trying to bring it to that, they want this to happen, it’s the simplest ponzi scheme out there. They want the President to take it into his own hands so they can play out some dramatics and make him look like a dictator.

            We need responsibility and the President is a responsible person. He will not let the American people suffer for the next twenty years. Republicans must be punished for this absurd campaign they are launching. This reminds me of the early 1990’s in Canada. The conservatives were in power and they were doing the same thing. This retaliatory scheme they played against the liberals did not work one bit. Why? Because the Canadian people caught on and kicked out those lying imbeciles. The US today looks very similar to Canada back then. Republican extremism is at an all time high and we as the American people must put a stop to it. Its decision time people, lets hope you representative isn’t one of those Republican extremist.

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