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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Greed of Corporate America and the failure of Capitalism

            Can anyone explain why the unemployment rate has continued to rise while companies continue to yield record profits. It was a common story among newspapers last week, company after company was making record profits. Not only that, today it came out that CEO salaries have risen again, this time by a 13 percent average. How are CEO’s taking 13 percent pay increase while the average American cannot even pay their bills? How has the fight for class equality not gained any traction?  How have we the people become so repressed and inactive?
            First the reason why companies are making such a big profit is because they have less staff on bored yet being as productive or more productive than they were before. This is great right… Well not so much for the working man, instead of hiring more people to accomplish their needs, companies are silently threatening employees. If they do not work harder or more hours then they will be fired. With the economy in this dismal of condition, it is working. Employees that are paid on salary are especially vulnerable to the effect. Instead of working 40 hours a week and making their pay they are now required to work 60-70 hours a week. Companies are getting more work from individuals for the same pay they did for 40 hours.
            How has it come to this and why are companies allowed to get away with it? Forget what the extreme right is telling the public that more taxes will bankrupt these companies and destroy jobs. That is not true. If they are not creating jobs under these current conditions when will they ever? These companies are FILTHY RICH.  They barely pay any taxes to begin with, remember GE, they did not pay any taxes in 2010 and they are not the only ones. Americans must fight for what is rightly theirs; fair jobs at fair wages, and a right to work must be granted to every American.
            Outsourcing jobs is modern day slavery, and companies must be punished for these acts. Currently, people in Mexico, the Philippines, China and many others are doing jobs that once used to be American jobs for 50 cents an hour. Has anyone read any US history?  What happened in the United States during the 20’s and 30’s? The people fought for fair wages and to stop child labor. Yet we endorse it in other countries! How are we letting these criminal acts go unpunished. America wake up, our livelihood is slipping through our hands. These jobs that helped mold America are leaving with stark repercussions. Once they leave they most likely will never come back.
            It is our job as Americans to fight for our liberties. The wealth divide is inherently growing at an astonishing pace and as we continue to grant the wealthiest of Americans more breaks the wider it grows. It is time to stop this! How can a CEO of a coffee company make 21 million dollars a year, take a pay increase and keep laying off employees? It is because we the people let him get away with it. It is time for all Americans to benefit from this countries infinite wealth once more. People make this revolution come, think of your children, and their children to come. What we do today is what will make for a better tomorrow. We cannot believe that our inaction will lead to just cause. We must create just cause. It is our future, lets take it into our hands, for the better of the America people.    


  1. Great thoughts, but I feel as though some of your claims are a bit extreme. One thing I think this artical fails to acknowledge is that the sole obligation of a corporation is to do that which is best for its' shareholders. Although I agree with most of your claims, you need to recognize that until corporate responsibility is legaly obligated to serve more than just its' shareholders things will never change.

  2. Thanks for your comment. I agree with your statement, and believe this just more fully emphasizes the point. Some big changes need to occur. For the corporate culture to change there would need to be massive Wallstreet reform that would change the culture. And for that to happen I believe the people must lead the way. Although the revolutions of the 20's and 30's seem far away they are great examples of what the "People" can achieve.
