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Monday, August 22, 2011

Courts Should Curb Executive Pay

Daniel J. Morrissey
August 15, 2011

Social critics have long pointed out that corporate boards routinely sign blank checks that award lush remuneration to top executives of their companies. But not since the Great Depression have shareholders been able to successfully challenge those munificent pay packages. Courts, rather, have regularly deferred to what they call the business judgment of directors and turned away shareholder claims that such exorbitant and unearned recompense constitutes a waste of corporate assets. Things, however, may be changing.
Business journalists, bloggers and academic commentators are now identifying excessive compensation as the No. 1 problem in corporate governance, using words like "looting" and "theft" to describe those rich rewards. The outrageous nature of this remuneration has become particularly shocking when compared to the pay of most working Americans. While private-sector wages rose only by 2% in 2010 and unemployment remained dismally high, the median compensation for chief executive officers at Standard & Poor's 500 index companies was up by 18% from 2009 to an average of $12 million.

Those income statistics were not always so unequal. In 1965, the typical chief executive made 24 times the salary of the average worker. But from then until 2007, during years when worker productivity in our country continued to grow, that differential in earnings increased by more than tenfold to 275. Commenting on how management grabbed the lion's share of that increase in wealth, labor lawyer Thomas Geoghegan wrote: "In 2005 the real hourly wage for production workers in America was approximately 8% lower than it was in 1973, while our national output was 55% higher. So it's dubious whether most Americans have gained even a penny in purchasing power since 1989."

Recent economic studies also show how most of the income gain during the past decades was reaped by corporate executives and financiers. The headline of a special report in the Washington Post on June 18 summed up those findings: "With Executive Pay, Rich Pull Away from Rest of America." In the same vein, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz recently observed that the top 1% of earners now take in about a quarter of our nation's income and own 40% of its wealth. And data from the Federal Reserve show that the wealthiest 1% of Americans has a greater net worth than the bottom 90%.

A large portion of this undue executive pay has come from options granted them to purchase shares in their companies. Those are supposed to incentivize management and align their interests with their stockholders by tying their remuneration to increases in the market capitalization of their companies. But as Judge Richard Posner of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, the father of law and economics jurisprudence, remarked in the Duke Law Journal, that rationale is weak because "many things move a company's stock besides the decisions of its CEO."

In addition, compensation from options has been all too easy to game, most notoriously by the widespread practice of backdating their grant dates. But even leaving aside that patently illegal practice, there are other ways that corporate officials can manipulate those awards to get lucrative paydays. They need only, for instance, have their firms issue stock and options to themselves when the price of those financial instruments is depressed.

Just recently, during the market's low point in late 2008 and early 2009, more than 90% of the CEOs at Standard & Poor's 500 companies received large numbers of those repriced grants. When stocks rebounded this spring, the awards netted those officers $3 billion. In addition, that surge gave them billions more in gains on the stock and options they already held. There is injustice and an obvious conflict of interest when a substantial drop in the price of a company's shares gives its executives an opportunity to profit, while its stockholders suffer serious misfortune.

Well-respected scholars of corporate law have also pointed out that CEO remuneration is not geared to rewarding the performance of those top officers. In their book Pay Without Performance, professors Lucian Bebchuk and Jesse Fried of Harvard Law School attacked what they call the "official view" that directors fix executive pay in arm's-length negotiations with corporate leaders to provide them incentives to increase shareholder wealth. In reality, those top executives set their own pay through captured boards that they control.

Corroborating that view, Posner has noted that directors generally come from the ranks of executives at other companies and thus have a vested interest in keeping the compensation of like-situated officials high. He has also pointed out that since CEOs influence the choice and pay of directors, "there is evidence of mutual back scratching — the directors authorizing generous compensation for the CEO and the CEO supporting generous fees for directors."

Last summer, as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act, Congress enacted a "say-on-pay" provision that requires public companies to allow their shareholders an advisory vote on the compensation of their top officials. Although Dodd-Frank states that those expressions are not binding and do not alter the fiduciary duties of directors, companies have to promptly report the results and explain whether they will be taken into account by management. In addition, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission now requires extensive discussion of the policies that companies use in fixing their executive remuneration.

A recent and telling decision from the Delaware Court of Chancery may also signal a new and more realistic judicial understanding of those dynamics, indicating that corporate officers who have fiduciary duties to their firms are acting disloyally when they extract excessive compensation for themselves. In In re Citigroup Inc. Shareholder Derivative Litigation, 964 A.2d 106 (New Castle Co., Del., Ch., 2009), the court refused to dismiss a claim that more than $60 million awarded as severance to Citigroup's CEO Charles Prince was a waste of corporate assets, particularly in light of allegations that he was responsible for huge losses by the bank during the financial meltdown.

After stating the general authority of boards to set executive remuneration, the chancellor made this salient comment: "It is also well settled in our law…that the discretion in setting executive compensation is not unlimited. Indeed the Delaware Supreme Court was clear when it stated that there is an outer limit to the board's discretion on executive compensation, at which point a decision of directors on executive compensation is so disproportionately large as to be unconscionable and constitute waste."

This renewed judicial willingness to strike down excessive corporate recompense may soon come into play in several suits brought against boards that have declined to rescind generous hikes to their top officials when shareholders stated their disapproval in negative say-on-pay balloting. Although the overwhelming majority of those elections have affirmed compensation decisions, several of the "no" votes came in response to lush raises granted when companies had suffered unprecedented losses. Those increases were particularly egregious because they came in derogation of corporate policy requiring that executive pay be based on performance.

Although those negative shareholder resolutions are not legally binding on boards, they are nevertheless probative evidence that directors have violated their duties to act in the best interest of their companies' stockholders. The cases challenging those decisions could send a much-needed message to boards that they must curb excessive executive awards and roll back some of the outlandish income inequality that is plaguing our society.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Warren Buffet Says Raise Taxes on the Rich

by Eyder Peralta

In an editorial in The New York Times, Warren Buffett, the so called "Oracle of Omaha" and one of the richest men in the world, has a message for Congress: Leave 99.7 percent of Americans alone and raise taxes on those who make more than $1 million and raise them even more for those who make more than $10 million — like him.
Buffett also says entitlement reform is "job one" for a Congress struggling to reduce deficit and debt. But, he adds, that Congress should stop "coddling" the super rich. Here's his bottom line:
"While the poor and middle class fight for us in Afghanistan, and while most Americans struggle to make ends meet, we mega-rich continue to get our extraordinary tax breaks. Some of us are investment managers who earn billions from our daily labors but are allowed to classify our income as "carried interest," thereby getting a bargain 15 percent tax rate. Others own stock index futures for 10 minutes and have 60 percent of their gain taxed at 15 percent, as if they'd been long-term investors.
"These and other blessings are showered upon us by legislators in Washington who feel compelled to protect us, much as if we were spotted owls or some other endangered species. It's nice to have friends in high places.
"Last year my federal tax bill — the income tax I paid, as well as payroll taxes paid by me and on my behalf — was $6,938,744. That sounds like a lot of money. But what I paid was only 17.4 percent of my taxable income — and that's actually a lower percentage than was paid by any of the other 20 people in our office. Their tax burdens ranged from 33 percent to 41 percent and averaged 36 percent."
Buffett also argues against the notion that taxes kill jobs, saying that in previous decades, when taxes were higher, that wasn't the case. But, of course, his op-ed has caused some controversy.
Tim Worstall at Forbes says his math is quite simply wrong and Buffett is playing a game of "three card monte." That if you include the effect of corporate income tax on his dividends, the average tax rate is more like 50 percent.
The American Spectator, a conservative publication, simply asks, "... [W]hy do Buffett and the other rich people so ready to pay more have to be told to pay more? Why don't they just pay more on their own?"

Friday, August 12, 2011

America needs FDR

           Franklin Roosevelt was the 32nd American president and a true leader. He took the Great Depression, flipped it upside down and created an era of prosperity that has never been mirrored. He was the leader of the New Deal, which produced millions of “Government Jobs” for the unemployed, economic growth and reform on Wallstreet, banks and transportation. He was a man with a plan and he made sure his plan succeeded.
            FDR was the founder of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Deposit Insurance Commission and Social Security. He was loved by all because he represented all Americans. He made sure that everyone, young and old, would be taken care of, have a job, and help their country move forward.
            Today, the road ahead looks oddly similar to the one back in 1933. America needs a leader that will provide and protect its people. Corporate America has no interest in the well being of American citizens and the reliance on their leadership is misplaced. Corporations only interests are 2nd Quarter Profits, and how happy shareholders are. Our leaders must fight for our rights to fair pay and equal right to hold jobs. Instead of fighting these pointless deficit debates, the orientation needs to be aligned towards jobs. Make government jobs, construction jobs, whatever they may be, Americans need to work.
            Big Corporations have proved once again that they are incapable of providing the support needed for Americans during recessions. Although most of them are relaying that they are making record profits, still no jobs are being created. It is time for the real leaders to step up to the table. If Corporate America won’t make the jobs, then government has too. Our leaders must support the people plain and simple. History tends to repeat itself many say, so why not take notes from the president who’s done this before, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Curse at the Capital

          Unfortunately we have been disappointed again. After all the propaganda surrounding the deficit deal, none of the legislation actually accounts for much. There will be no new revenue, no cuts on any entitlements(which isn’t necessarily a bad thing right now). And again it has reinforced the fact that congress is gridlocked and will continue to be as long as this session continues. There are many reasons why this is occurring and believe it or not its not the Democrats or Republicans who are to blame. At least not the Democrats or the Respectable Republicans “RR”. The “Tea Partiers” have really been throwing the wrench in the governments engine since many of them took office. The are making the “RR” look weak and not conservative enough. This has led to many “RR” aligning themselves with the extreme right just so they can preserve their own livelihoods.
            Many people wonder how House politicians can afford to run for re-election every 2 years and the answer is, their respective parties. The Democratic and Republican parties have a lot to do with the funding of campaigns and whether their candidates will make it through primaries. The fact of the matter is that many elections are predetermined. Sure you will have a few surprises here or there but these races are highly calculated. The biggest reason why incumbents lose is because they have strayed from party lines. If you stray from party lines, the less popular you will be with the party and less the funding you will receive.
            Now what does this have to do with the deficit deal. Well about 3 weeks before the deadline, our political leaders primarily President Obama, Speaker Boehner and Leader Reid had a plan to increase revenue and cut spending. The plan was a truly bipartisan plan that would have made real progress and all three leaders thought it dealt reasonably with the options at the table. But once Leader Boehner took the proposal to the House “Tea Partiers” wouldn’t have any of it. They wanted no increase in taxes for the wealthy, deeper cuts in programs that help those who are less fortunate and a balanced budget amendment. What is astonishing is that “Tea Partiers” say they represent the average American, a bogus claim. Most Americans, lets face it are either lower or middle class and these proposals brought forth by the Tea Party again only favor the wealthy.  
            Not only do the “Tea Partiers” favor the wealthy, they have adopted the most inefficient and annoying negotiation tactic. “Its my way or the highway”. The problem with this tactic is that it involves almost no negotiation at all. And Democrats and “RR” have not yet figured out that they can cancel out the involvement of the “Tea Partiers” if they simply work together and somewhat exile the extremist. Currently both parties are too proud to cross the line in the sand but this political nonsense is doing more harm than good. There are good ideas that both sides can typically articulate and Democrats and Republicans have found ways to work together in the past.  What needs to occur is the line in the sand needs to be undrawn  and  a bipartisan coalition House of Democrats and “RR” created until this current session is over. Do what is best for the country and exile these Tea Party extremist that are not any good for America.  

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Greed of Corporate America and the failure of Capitalism

            Can anyone explain why the unemployment rate has continued to rise while companies continue to yield record profits. It was a common story among newspapers last week, company after company was making record profits. Not only that, today it came out that CEO salaries have risen again, this time by a 13 percent average. How are CEO’s taking 13 percent pay increase while the average American cannot even pay their bills? How has the fight for class equality not gained any traction?  How have we the people become so repressed and inactive?
            First the reason why companies are making such a big profit is because they have less staff on bored yet being as productive or more productive than they were before. This is great right… Well not so much for the working man, instead of hiring more people to accomplish their needs, companies are silently threatening employees. If they do not work harder or more hours then they will be fired. With the economy in this dismal of condition, it is working. Employees that are paid on salary are especially vulnerable to the effect. Instead of working 40 hours a week and making their pay they are now required to work 60-70 hours a week. Companies are getting more work from individuals for the same pay they did for 40 hours.
            How has it come to this and why are companies allowed to get away with it? Forget what the extreme right is telling the public that more taxes will bankrupt these companies and destroy jobs. That is not true. If they are not creating jobs under these current conditions when will they ever? These companies are FILTHY RICH.  They barely pay any taxes to begin with, remember GE, they did not pay any taxes in 2010 and they are not the only ones. Americans must fight for what is rightly theirs; fair jobs at fair wages, and a right to work must be granted to every American.
            Outsourcing jobs is modern day slavery, and companies must be punished for these acts. Currently, people in Mexico, the Philippines, China and many others are doing jobs that once used to be American jobs for 50 cents an hour. Has anyone read any US history?  What happened in the United States during the 20’s and 30’s? The people fought for fair wages and to stop child labor. Yet we endorse it in other countries! How are we letting these criminal acts go unpunished. America wake up, our livelihood is slipping through our hands. These jobs that helped mold America are leaving with stark repercussions. Once they leave they most likely will never come back.
            It is our job as Americans to fight for our liberties. The wealth divide is inherently growing at an astonishing pace and as we continue to grant the wealthiest of Americans more breaks the wider it grows. It is time to stop this! How can a CEO of a coffee company make 21 million dollars a year, take a pay increase and keep laying off employees? It is because we the people let him get away with it. It is time for all Americans to benefit from this countries infinite wealth once more. People make this revolution come, think of your children, and their children to come. What we do today is what will make for a better tomorrow. We cannot believe that our inaction will lead to just cause. We must create just cause. It is our future, lets take it into our hands, for the better of the America people.    

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Have Tea Party Newbie’s lost it or did they ever have IT?

           Tea Party members of congress have been a royal pain during the negotiation process of the debt limit. Many of these new congressmen are impeding the process of the country and even some Republicans are starting to question their motives. They have relied heavily on demonizing Democrats for trying to save public programs which help out many of the less fortunate in our country. When will constituents realize that these representatives are not out for the better of the American people or the United States. The only legislation that they are interested in pushing involve; permanent no increase in taxes for the wealthy, revoking Medicare and Medicaid, reduction in social security, stopping gay marriage from legalization and revoking abortion rights.  
            First of all, the permanent no increase in taxes is a fantasy, how could such legislation even be considered a rational thought. Who knows what the future holds, as the wealth divide continues to increase the only way to create an even playing field is to tax those who make the most money. The classic argument from the right as well as many of the wealthy is: “increasing taxes on the wealthy will destroy jobs for others.” Well why is it then that while corporations are making record profits and paying little taxes that unemployment is so high? Another classic argument from many of the wealthy is: “I’ve worked hard all my life for my money, why should I share, if they want money tell them to go work for it.” Comments like this are common, these people never consider the people that have worked 2 or 3 jobs their whole life to support a family. Not everyone is born with the same opportunities and in the land of opportunity, everyone should have the right to education, healthcare and the necessities to live life. The more competitive our public education and healthcare become the better off the United States society will be.
            Second, revoking Medicare and Medicaid and reducing social security would drastically effect the elderly and many others in the United States many of whom cannot pay for their illnesses and daily life without these programs. This would also affect Americans with disabilities, low-income families and veterans. I for one do not want to subject fellow Americans to unproper care and degrading lifestyles. It is the responsibility of a nation and its people  to take care of those within its boundaries who are less fortunate and give them the opportunity to succeed. Unfortunately our society has always been geared towards degrading a section of society while the others prosper. During the 1800’s and until about 1975 it was African-Americans, during the 1940’s it was Japanese-Americans, the Cold War it was the communist and now it is the poor. We must not alienate these people but encourage them to succeed.  
            Thirdly, gay marriage and abortion. Honestly these are both personal issues and this lifestyle and choice should be defended in our civil liberties. Already 53% of the American public approve gay marriage. This, much like religion is a personal choice and government should not be able to decide for the people. What is amazing about the matter is that right wing conservatives vouch for less government but want to control both of these issues, this seems contradictory.
            Have Tea Partiers lost it or did they ever have it? That is the question tonight as you reflect from these pointed arguments. Are these representatives in fact looking out for their constituents well being or are they simply trying to further divide America. You are the decision makers, make your decision count.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Path to the Future; Education Reform

        Why is it that the youth of America are under educated? Why is it that 3rd and 4th graders can’t identify President Lincoln, arguably the most recognizable president other than George Washington. It is a travesty when students from America are no longer the first choices for the most challenging of jobs. What used to be an American market is no more. And what has America done as a response to this? It has cut school funding, cut teacher employment, and demonized the industry as lazy and unresponsive.
        So lets recap, student educations are far worse than they used to be, our elementary students cannot identify presidents and the United States is barley competing internationally. Yet, we cut school funding, cut teacher employment and simply call the industry lazy. That’s so counter intuitive that its irresponsible. In the last 20 years for example spending on higher education has only increased 21 percent, that’s just over 1 percent a year and does not even closely equal inflation. While in comparison spending on corrections has increased by 127 percent over the past 20 years and already 5 states spend more on corrections currently than they do on education. So what in fact is the United States promoting, education or jail time. The numbers seem to indicate the latter.
        Education should be at the forefront of every political agenda, because education is what drives this country and its future. While our children are becoming less educated the rest of the world is becoming more educated. And this has a direct correlation with the increasing wealth divide seen in the United States
       Wealth divide in the United States is the highest among industrialized countries. In fact the United States has the 39th highest wealth divide in the world. For a country who preaches equality and opportunity for all, that is hardly the case. This is seen everyday across our nation, schools where the rich reside are always equipped with the newest text books and the best teachers. While the inner city schools are subjected to books which are outdated and typically receive teachers who are either just graduated or cannot perform within the circumstances. Those who continue and attend college and universities are typically those out of the rich neighborhoods and they are also those that will receive the best jobs. There are outliers in every community but that is exactly what they are outliers.
       Education must be readily available for all who live in the United States. And we cannot pretend that political stunts such as “No Child Left Behind” actually benefit the situation. What needs to occur is more investment and more time. Encouragement to those who want to educate the next generation and not resentment. Change must come, education must once again reign supreme and lead to the “American Dream”. It is the responsibility of the American people to lead this change. The question is will you be part of it?

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Art of Social Media

            Social media…. When people think of social media they instantly think of Facebook and how they interact with friends. Fortunately, social media is much more than merely saying hello to a “friend”. People of the 21st century use social media as their main source of communication; networking, dating,  marketing, advertising, sales pitches, political campaigns and much more.

            What does this mean for the future? It means social marketing is here to stay. If you are not involved. Get involved. Find people that you know, these links may provide future opportunities; business ventures or a more interesting job. The more involved you are the better. If 80 percent of companies today are searching LinkedIn for potential employees, then you better be on LinkedIn. If you are starting a new business, forget putting ads on billboards, create a Facebook and tell your friends to send out your company page.
            Social media is what you make of it but without it, you don’t stand a chance. Make sure you fully develop you opportunities online. There are always stories of college kids landing jobs at Google, Microsoft, Facebook or other companies simply because they were able to communicate effectively through their social media use. If you can accumulate a following the better, contribute to blogs, scholarly journals or other published devices. These reach many computer screens and chances are if people like what they read you may have an opportunity waiting. The future is here, what used to be a faze is now a reality, those who learn how to communicate most effectively will be reeking the rewards for ages to come.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

America Stalls Space Age

            This morning, shuttle Atlantis made its final landing. The last mission which began on July 8th, was a success, they brought a years worth of supplies to the international space station. As this mission comes to end, it marks the end of the space program that has been in existence for over 50 years.
            Why is this happening? The space program has led to many accomplishments for the United States. Has been a breeding ground for ingenuity and has been home to some of the brightest American minds since its creation. So why are we absolving the program, in a time when job creation is at the forefront of the agenda, the space programs dissolution will result in the destruction of 11,000 jobs.
            NASA’s space program does not need to be destroyed, other countries are leap-frogging America in what used to be our greatest accomplishment. America needs the space program more than ever, innovation has always been Americas cornerstone, the next big idea is just around the corner. Not only will we be losing years of research and experience, but the fact that the private sector is not even close to taking over the program just makes the move seem unjustifiable. It would be very different if the private sector was ready to take over the space program but it is as much as ten years away. Can you imagine what could be done in ten years? Great things from; new technologies or cure to diseases, who knows what else lies in space, it is our job to find out. And as we leave the exploration to others, America will once again have to play catch-up once it realizes its mistakes.
            America should not be stopping space age research, as technologies develop, so must space related research. This avenue to the unknown could someday prove to be one of the biggest industries. All in all the space program is an American legacy, to lose it will be truly detrimental to the future of the space age and will sooner or later hurt America economically. It has always proved that maintaining programs is always cheaper than recreating them and that is the mess that will wait for us in the future.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

David Cameron may be on his way out

David Cameron the Prime minister of the UK and leader of the conservative party, has found himself in quite the predicament. Over the weekend, Cameron was making a trip to Africa that had to be cut short due to that fact his new communications director Andy Coulson, has been arrested for his inclusion in the News of the World cell phone hacks. This has troubled many across the country of the already prominent collusion between politicians and the media.
Ed Miliband, the leader of the Labor opposition immediately showcased the Prime Ministers inclusion in the scandal. Mr. Miliband’s goal here is to obviously weaken his opponents position with constituents. Public outrage is already circulating wildly around Europe, the reporter who broke the case was found dead in his home, again further complicating the matter for Mr. Cameron.
The Prime Minister will have dark days in front of him indeed. His reputation may see the death of a thousand razors. If the Labor plays their cards right they may force Cameron to resign, weakening the Conservative Party and giving Mr. Miliband a chance at succession. All in all let this be a reminder to all politicians, do not collude with the media. It will only lead to the destruction of your career and it will always favor the opposition.

Goodbye Cameron... Hello Miliband!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Decision Time

The time has come to make this deal work. President Obama has given the GOP plenty of their perquisites, primarily in budget cuts, they total almost $2.7 trillion over the next ten years. Not to mention, that these cuts will come out of some truly liberal programs that affect many Americans, those being, Medicare, Medicaid and social security. It seems that the President is handing the GOP a gift and still they are not budging.

These Republicans are not trying to make a deal for the good of the people, instead they are doing just the opposite. They want spending cuts, tax cuts and they believe that this will ultimately lead to a stronger economy. Have we not seen enough of this for the past 10 years? Look at what we have now, this current economical travesty that we are in has not been caused by two and half years of Barack Obama. It took two terms of George Bush, an unfunded war, and tax breaks for all (especially the extremely wealthy), to create this mess.

What the American people need to realize is that when Republicans speak about tax breaks they are specifically speaking of those for the wealthy. Did you know that Warren Buffet pays less taxes proportionally than his secretary. That is absolutely mind boggling and people are asking for more of these tax cuts, madness. Wake up America, this is only occurring because the vast majority of the American people are not willing to do their own research; and simply believe whatever Rush Limbaugh or Ann Colture say and portray on fox news.

            Whatever the circumstance this deficit deal needs to get done, plain and simple. We must put pressure on the politicians to do what is right for this nation. I do not support President Obama taking this into his own hands without congress. The Republicans are trying to bring it to that, they want this to happen, it’s the simplest ponzi scheme out there. They want the President to take it into his own hands so they can play out some dramatics and make him look like a dictator.

            We need responsibility and the President is a responsible person. He will not let the American people suffer for the next twenty years. Republicans must be punished for this absurd campaign they are launching. This reminds me of the early 1990’s in Canada. The conservatives were in power and they were doing the same thing. This retaliatory scheme they played against the liberals did not work one bit. Why? Because the Canadian people caught on and kicked out those lying imbeciles. The US today looks very similar to Canada back then. Republican extremism is at an all time high and we as the American people must put a stop to it. Its decision time people, lets hope you representative isn’t one of those Republican extremist.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Debating the Value of College

A Critic at Large

Live and Learn

Why we have college.

by June 6, 2011

More and more Americans are going to college, but how many of them are actually learning anything?
My first job as a professor was at an Ivy League university. The students were happy to be taught, and we, their teachers, were happy to be teaching them. Whatever portion of their time and energy was being eaten up by social commitments—which may have been huge, but about which I was ignorant—they seemed earnestly and unproblematically engaged with the academic experience. If I was naïve about this, they were gracious enough not to disabuse me. None of us ever questioned the importance of what we were doing.
At a certain appointed hour, the university decided to make its way in the world without me, and we parted company. I was assured that there were no hard feelings. I was fortunate to get a position in a public university system, at a college with an overworked faculty, an army of part-time instructors, and sixteen thousand students. Many of these students were the first in their families to attend college, and any distractions they had were not social. Many of them worked, and some had complicated family responsibilities.

I didn’t regard this as my business any more than I had the social lives of my Ivy League students. I assigned my new students the same readings I had assigned the old ones. I understood that the new students would not be as well prepared, but, out of faith or ego, I thought that I could tell them what they needed to know, and open up the texts for them. Soon after I started teaching there, someone raised his hand and asked, about a text I had assigned, “Why did we have to buy this book?”

I got the question in that form only once, but I heard it a number of times in the unmonetized form of “Why did we have to read this book?” I could see that this was not only a perfectly legitimate question; it was a very interesting question. The students were asking me to justify the return on investment in a college education. I just had never been called upon to think about this before. It wasn’t part of my training. We took the value of the business we were in for granted.

I could have said, “You are reading these books because you’re in college, and these are the kinds of books that people in college read.” If you hold a certain theory of education, that answer is not as circular as it sounds. The theory goes like this: In any group of people, it’s easy to determine who is the fastest or the strongest or even the best-looking. But picking out the most intelligent person is difficult, because intelligence involves many attributes that can’t be captured in a one-time assessment, like an I.Q. test. There is no intellectual equivalent of the hundred-yard dash. An intelligent person is open-minded, an outside-the-box thinker, an effective communicator, is prudent, self-critical, consistent, and so on. These are not qualities readily subject to measurement.
Society needs a mechanism for sorting out its more intelligent members from its less intelligent ones, just as a track team needs a mechanism (such as a stopwatch) for sorting out the faster athletes from the slower ones. Society wants to identify intelligent people early on so that it can funnel them into careers that maximize their talents. It wants to get the most out of its human resources. College is a process that is sufficiently multifaceted and fine-grained to do this.

College is, essentially, a four-year intelligence test. Students have to demonstrate intellectual ability over time and across a range of subjects. If they’re sloppy or inflexible or obnoxious—no matter how smart they might be in the I.Q. sense—those negatives will get picked up in their grades. As an added service, college also sorts people according to aptitude. It separates the math types from the poetry types. At the end of the process, graduates get a score, the G.P.A., that professional schools and employers can trust as a measure of intellectual capacity and productive potential. It’s important, therefore, that everyone is taking more or less the same test.

I could have answered the question in a different way. I could have said, “You’re reading these books because they teach you things about the world and yourself that, if you do not learn them in college, you are unlikely to learn anywhere else.” This reflects a different theory of college, a theory that runs like this: In a society that encourages its members to pursue the career paths that promise the greatest personal or financial rewards, people will, given a choice, learn only what they need to know for success. They will have no incentive to acquire the knowledge and skills important for life as an informed citizen, or as a reflective and culturally literate human being. College exposes future citizens to material that enlightens and empowers them, whatever careers they end up choosing.

In performing this function, college also socializes. It takes people with disparate backgrounds and beliefs and brings them into line with mainstream norms of reason and taste. Independence of mind is tolerated in college, and even honored, but students have to master the accepted ways of doing things before they are permitted to deviate. Ideally, we want everyone to go to college, because college gets everyone on the same page. It’s a way of producing a society of like-minded grownups.

If you like the first theory, then it doesn’t matter which courses students take, or even what is taught in them, as long as they’re rigorous enough for the sorting mechanism to do its work. All that matters is the grades. If you prefer the second theory, then you might consider grades a useful instrument of positive or negative reinforcement, but the only thing that matters is what students actually learn. There is stuff that every adult ought to know, and college is the best delivery system for getting that stuff into people’s heads.

A lot of confusion is caused by the fact that since 1945 American higher education has been committed to both theories. The system is designed to be both meritocratic (Theory 1) and democratic (Theory 2). Professional schools and employers depend on colleges to sort out each cohort as it passes into the workforce, and elected officials talk about the importance of college for everyone. We want higher education to be available to all Americans, but we also want people to deserve the grades they receive.

It wasn’t always like this. Before 1945, élite private colleges like Harvard and Yale were largely in the business of reproducing a privileged social class. Between 1906 and 1932, four hundred and five boys from Groton applied to Harvard. Four hundred and two were accepted. In 1932, Yale received thirteen hundred and thirty applications, and it admitted nine hundred and fifty-nine—an acceptance rate of seventy-two per cent. Almost a third of those who enrolled were sons of Yale graduates.

In 1948, through the exertions of people like James Bryant Conant, the president of Harvard, the Educational Testing Service went into business, and standardized testing (the S.A.T. and the A.C.T.) soon became the virtually universal method for picking out the most intelligent students in the high-school population, regardless of their family background, and getting them into the higher-education system. Conant regarded higher education as a limited social resource, and he wanted to make more strait the gate. Testing insured that only people who deserved to go to college did. The fact that Daddy went no longer sufficed. In 1940, the acceptance rate at Harvard was eighty-five per cent. By 1970, it was twenty per cent. Last year, thirty-five thousand students applied to Harvard, and the acceptance rate was six per cent.

Almost all the élite colleges saw a jump in applications this year, partly because they now recruit much more aggressively internationally, and acceptance rates were correspondingly lower. Columbia, Yale, and Stanford admitted less than eight per cent of their applicants. This degree of selectivity is radical. To put it in some perspective: the acceptance rate at Cambridge is twenty-one per cent, and at Oxford eighteen per cent.
But, as private colleges became more selective, public colleges became more accommodating. Proportionally, the growth in higher education since 1945 has been overwhelmingly in the public sector. In 1950, there were about 1.14 million students in public colleges and universities and about the same number in private ones. Today, public colleges enroll almost fifteen million students, private colleges fewer than six million.

There is now a seat for virtually anyone with a high-school diploma who wants to attend college. The City University of New York (my old employer) has two hundred and twenty-eight thousand undergraduates—more than four times as many as the entire Ivy League. The big enchilada of public higher education, the State of California, has ten university campuses, twenty-three state-college campuses, a hundred and twelve community-college campuses, and more than 3.3 million students. Six per cent of the American population is currently enrolled in college or graduate school. In Great Britain and France, the figure is about three per cent.

If you are a Theory 1 person, you worry that, with so many Americans going to college, the bachelor’s degree is losing its meaning, and soon it will no longer operate as a reliable marker of productive potential. Increasing public investment in higher education with the goal of college for everyone—in effect, taxpayer-subsidized social promotion—is thwarting the operation of the sorting mechanism. Education is about selection, not inclusion.

If you are friendly toward Theory 2, on the other hand, you worry that the competition for slots in top-tier colleges is warping educational priorities. You see academic tulip mania: students and their parents are overvaluing a commodity for which there are cheap and plentiful substitutes. The sticker price at Princeton or Stanford, including room and board, is upward of fifty thousand dollars a year. Public colleges are much less expensive—the average tuition is $7,605—and there are also many less selective private colleges where you can get a good education, and a lot more faculty face time, without having to spend every minute of high school sucking up to your teachers and reformatting your résumé. Education is about personal and intellectual growth, not about winning some race to the top.

It would be nice to conclude that, despite these anxieties, and given the somewhat contradictory goals that have been set for it, the American higher-education system is doing what Americans want it to do. College is broadly accessible: sixty-eight per cent of high-school graduates now go on to college (in 1980, only forty-nine per cent did), and employers continue to reward the credential, which means that there is still some selection going on. In 2008, the average income for someone with an advanced degree (master’s, professional, or doctoral) was $83,144; for someone with a bachelor’s degree, it was $58,613; for someone with only a high-school education, it was $31,283.

There is also increasing global demand for American-style higher education. Students all over the world want to come here, and some American universities, including N.Y.U. and Yale, are building campuses overseas. Higher education is widely regarded as the route to a better life. It is sometimes pointed out that Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg were college dropouts. It is unnecessary to point out that most of us are not Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg.

It’s possible, though, that the higher education system only looks as if it’s working. The process may be sorting, students may be getting access, and employers may be rewarding, but are people actually learning anything? Two recent books suggest that they are not. They suggest it pretty emphatically.

“Academically Adrift” (Chicago; $25) was written by two sociologists, Richard Arum (N.Y.U.) and Josipa Roksa (University of Virginia). Almost a third of it, sixty-eight pages, is a methodological appendix, which should give the general reader a clue to what to expect. “Academically Adrift” is not a diatribe based on anecdote and personal history and supported by some convenient data, which is what books critical of American higher education often are. It’s a social-scientific attempt to determine whether students are learning what colleges claim to be teaching them—specifically, “to think critically, reason analytically, solve problems, and communicate clearly.”

Arum and Roksa consider Theory 1 to be “overly cynical.” They believe that the job of the system is to teach people, not just to get them up the right educational ladders and down the right career chutes. They think that some people just aren’t capable of learning much at the college level. But they think that people who do go to college ought to be able to show something for the time and expense.

The authors decided that, despite a lot of rhetoric about accountability in higher education, no one seemed eager to carry out an assessment, so they did their own. They used a test known as the Collegiate Learning Assessment, or C.L.A. The test has three parts, though they use data from just one part, the “performance task.” Students are, for example, assigned to advise “an employer about the desirability of purchasing a type of airplane that has recently crashed,” and are shown documents, such as news articles, an F.A.A. accident report, charts, and so on, and asked to write memos. The memos are graded for “critical thinking, analytical reasoning, problem solving, and writing.”

The test was given to a group of more than two thousand freshmen in the fall of 2005, and again, to the same group, in the spring of 2007. Arum and Roksa say that forty-five per cent of the students showed no significant improvement, and they conclude that “American higher education is characterized by limited or no learning for a large proportion of students.”

The study design raises a lot of questions, from the reasonableness of assessing learning growth after only three full semesters of college to the reliability of the C.L.A. itself. The obvious initial inference to make about a test that does not pick up a difference where you expect one is that it is not a very good test. And, even if the test does measure some skills accurately, the results say nothing about whether students have acquired any knowledge, or socially desirable attitudes, that they didn’t have before they entered college.

There are other reasons for skepticism. It’s generally thought (by their professors, anyway) that students make a developmental leap after sophomore year—although Arum and Roksa, in a follow-up study completed after their book was finished, determined that, after four years, thirty-six per cent of students still did not show significant improvement on the C.L.A. But what counts as significant in a statistical analysis is a function of where you set the bar. Alexander Astin, the dean of modern higher-education research, who is now an emeritus professor at U.C.L.A., published a sharp attack on Arum and Roksa’s methodology in the Chronicle of Higher Education, and, in particular, on the statistical basis for the claim that forty-five per cent of college students do not improve.

Even leaving the C.L.A. results aside, though, “Academically Adrift” makes a case for concern. Arum and Roksa argue that many students today perceive college as fundamentally a social experience. Students spend less time studying than they used to, for example. In 1961, students reported studying for an average of twenty-five hours a week; the average is now twelve to thirteen hours. More than a third of the students in Arum and Roksa’s study reported that they spent less than five hours a week studying. In a University of California survey, students reported spending thirteen hours a week on schoolwork and forty-three hours socializing and pursuing various forms of entertainment.

Few people are fully reliable reporters of time use. But if students are studying less it may be because the demands on them are fewer. Half the students in the study said that they had not taken a single course in the previous semester requiring more than twenty pages of writing. A third said that they had not taken a course requiring more than forty pages of reading a week. Arum and Roksa point out that professors have little incentive to make their courses more rigorous. Professors say that the only aspect of their teaching that matters professionally is student course evaluations, since these can figure in tenure and promotion decisions. It’s in professors’ interest, therefore, for their classes to be entertaining and their assignments not too onerous. They are not deluded: a study carried out back in the nineteen-nineties (by Alexander Astin, as it happens) found that faculty commitment to teaching is negatively correlated with compensation.
Still, Arum and Roksa believe that some things do make a difference. First of all, students who are better prepared academically for college not only do better when they get to college; they improve more markedly while they’re there. And students who take courses requiring them to write more than twenty pages a semester and to read more than forty pages a week show greater improvement.

The most interesting finding is that students majoring in liberal-arts fields—sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities—do better on the C.L.A., and show greater improvement, than students majoring in non-liberal-arts fields such as business, education and social work, communications, engineering and computer science, and health. There are a number of explanations. Liberal-arts students are more likely to take courses with substantial amounts of reading and writing; they are more likely to attend selective colleges, and institutional selectivity correlates positively with learning; and they are better prepared academically for college, which makes them more likely to improve. The students who score the lowest and improve the least are the business majors.

Sixty per cent of American college students are not liberal-arts majors, though. The No. 1 major in America is, in fact, business. Twenty-two per cent of bachelor’s degrees are awarded in that field. Ten per cent are awarded in education, seven per cent in the health professions. More than twice as many degrees are given out every year in parks, recreation, leisure, and fitness studies as in philosophy and religion. Since 1970, the more higher education has expanded, the more the liberal-arts sector has shrunk in proportion to the whole.
Neither Theory 1 nor Theory 2 really explains how the educational system works for these non-liberal-arts students. For them, college is basically a supplier of vocational preparation and a credentialling service. The theory that fits their situation—Theory 3—is that advanced economies demand specialized knowledge and skills, and, since high school is aimed at the general learner, college is where people can be taught what they need in order to enter a vocation. A college degree in a non-liberal field signifies competence in a specific line of work.

Theory 3 explains the growth of the non-liberal education sector. As work becomes more high-tech, employers demand more people with specialized training. It also explains the explosion in professional master’s programs. There are now well over a hundred master’s degrees available, in fields from Avian Medicine to Web Design and Homeland Security. Close to fourteen times as many master’s degrees are given out every year as doctorates. When Barack Obama and Arne Duncan talk about how higher education is the key to the future of the American economy, this is the sector they have in mind. They are not talking about the liberal arts.

Still, students pursuing vocational degrees are almost always required to take some liberal-arts courses. Let’s say that you want a bachelor’s degree in Culinary Arts Management, with a Beverage Management major, from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. (Hmm. I might have taken a wrong turn in my education somewhere.) To get this degree, U.N.L.V. requires you to take two courses in English (Composition and World Literature), one course in philosophy, one course in either history or political science, courses in chemistry, mathematics, and economics, and two electives in the arts and humanities. If your professional goal is, let’s say, running the beverage service at the Bellagio, how much effort are you going to put into that class on World Literature?

This is where Professor X enters the picture. Professor X is the nom de guerre of a man who has spent more than ten years working evenings (his day job is with the government) as an adjunct instructor at “Pembrook,” a private four-year institution, and “Huron State,” a community college that is evidently public. The academic motivation of the students at these schools is utilitarian. Most of them are trying to get jobs—as registered nurses or state troopers, for example—that require a college degree, and they want one thing and one thing only from Professor X: a passing grade.

Professor X published an article in The Atlantic a few years ago about his experiences. David Brooks mentioned the piece in his Times column, and it provoked a small digital storm. “In the Basement of the Ivory Tower” (Viking; $25.95) is the book version. The author holds an M.F.A. in creative writing (he teaches composition and literature), and he writes in the style of mordant self-deprecation that is the approved M.F.A. mode for the memoir genre. He can be gratuitously snarky about his colleagues (though not about his students), but he’s smart and he’s generally good company. “In the Basement of the Ivory Tower” has the same kind of worm’s-eye charm as Stephen Akey’s “College” (1996), a story of undergraduate misadventures at Glassboro State College, though “College” is funnier.

Professor X has entwined his take on teaching with episodes in his personal life involving the purchase of a house he could not afford and subsequent marital tension. These parts of the book are too vague to be engaging. If you are going to go down the confessional path, you have to come across with the lurid details. We never find out where Professor X lives, what his wife does, what his kids are like, or much else about him. This is a writer who obviously enjoys the protection of a pseudonym. “In the Basement of the Ivory Tower” is one of those books about higher education that are based on anecdote and personal history and supported by some convenient data (sort of like this review, actually), but the story is worth hearing.

Professor X thinks that most of the students he teaches are not qualified to attend college. He also thinks that, as far as writing and literature are concerned, they are unteachable. But the system keeps pushing them through the human-capital processor. They attend either because the degree is a job requirement or because they’ve been seduced by the siren song “college for everyone.” X considers the situation analogous to the real-estate bubble: Americans are being urged to invest in something they can’t afford and don’t need. Why should you have to pass a college-level literature class if you want to be a state trooper? To show that you can tough it out with Henry James? As Professor X sees it, this is a case of over-selection.

It’s also socially inefficient. The X-Man notes that half of all Americans who enter college never finish, that almost sixty per cent of students who enroll in two-year colleges need developmental (that is, remedial) courses, and that less than thirty per cent of faculty in American colleges are tenure-track. That last figure was supplied by the American Federation of Teachers, and it may be a little low, but it is undeniable that more than half the teaching in American colleges is done by contingent faculty (that is, adjuncts) like Professor X.

This does not mean, of course, that students would learn more if they were taught by tenured professors. Professor X is an adjunct, but he is also a dedicated teacher, and anyone reading his book will feel that his students respect this. He reprints a couple of course evaluations that sum up his situation in two nutshells:

Course was better than I thought. Before this I would of never voluntarily read a book. But now I almost have a desire to pick one up and read. I really like [Professor X], this is why I took the course because I saw he was teaching it. He’s kind of enthusiastic about things that probably aren’t that exciting to most people, which helps make the three hours go by quicker.
Professor X blames this state of affairs on what he calls “postmodern modes of thought,” and on the fact that there are more women teaching in college, which has had “a feminizing effect on the collective unconscious of faculty thought.” He also takes some shots at the academic field of composition and rhetoric, which he regards as low on rigor and high on consciousness-raising. This all seems beside the point. Professor X’s own pedagogy is old-fashioned and his grading is strict (he once failed nine students in a class of fifteen)—and he hasn’t had much luck with his students, either.

When he is not taking on trends in modern thought, Professor X is shrewd about the reasons it’s hard to teach underprepared students how to write. “I have come to think,” he says, “that the two most crucial ingredients in the mysterious mix that makes a good writer may be (1) having read enough throughout a lifetime to have internalized the rhythms of the written word, and (2) refining the ability to mimic those rhythms.” This makes sense. If you read a lot of sentences, then you start to think in sentences, and if you think in sentences, then you can write sentences, because you know what a sentence sounds like. Someone who has reached the age of eighteen or twenty and has never been a reader is not going to become a writer in fifteen weeks. On the other hand, it’s not a bad thing for such a person to see what caring about “things that probably aren’t that exciting to most people” looks like. A lot of teaching is modelling.

Professor X has published a follow-up essay, in The Atlantic, to promote the book. He’s on a mini-crusade to stem the flood of high-school graduates into colleges that require them to master a liberal-arts curriculum. He believes that students who aren’t ready for that kind of education should have the option of flat-out vocational training instead. They’re never going to know how to read Henry James; they’re never going to know how to write like Henry James. But why would they ever need to?

This is the tracking approach. You don’t wait twenty years for the system to sort people out, and you don’t waste resources on students who won’t benefit from an academically advanced curriculum. You make a judgment much earlier, as early as middle school, and designate certain students to follow an academic track, which gives them a liberal education, and the rest to follow a professional or vocational track. This is the way it was done for most of the history of higher education in the West. It is still the way it’s done in Britain, France, and Germany.

Until the twentieth century, that was the way it worked here, too. In the nineteenth century, a college degree was generally not required for admission to law school or medical school, and most law students and medical students did not bother to get one. Making college a prerequisite for professional school was possibly the most important reform ever made in American higher education. It raised the status of the professions, by making them harder to enter, and it saved the liberal-arts college from withering away. This is why liberal education is the élite type of college education: it’s the gateway to the high-status professions. And this is what people in other parts of the world mean when they say they want American-style higher education. They want the liberal arts and sciences.

Assuming that these new books are right (not a fully warranted assumption), and that many students are increasingly disengaged from the academic part of the college experience, it may be because the system has become too big and too heterogeneous to work equally well for all who are in it. The system appears to be drawing in large numbers of people who have no firm career goals but failing to help them acquire focus. This is what Arum and Roksa believe, anyway. Students at very selective colleges are still super-motivated—their motivation is one of the reasons they are selected—and most professors, since we are the sort of people who want a little gold star for everything we do, still want to make a difference to their students. But when motivation is missing, when people come into the system without believing that what goes on in it really matters, it’s hard to transform minds.

If there is a decline in motivation, it may mean that an exceptional phase in the history of American higher education is coming to an end. That phase began after the Second World War and lasted for fifty years. Large new populations kept entering the system. First, there were the veterans who attended on the G.I. Bill—2.2 million of them between 1944 and 1956. Then came the great expansion of the nineteen-sixties, when the baby boomers entered and enrollments doubled. Then came co-education, when virtually every all-male college, apart from the military academies, began accepting women. Finally, in the nineteen-eighties and nineties, there was a period of remarkable racial and ethnic diversification.

These students did not regard college as a finishing school or a ticket punch. There was much more at stake for them than there had been for the Groton grads of an earlier day. (How many hours do you think they put in doing homework?) College was a gate through which, once, only the favored could pass. Suddenly, the door was open: to vets; to children of Depression-era parents who could not afford college; to women, who had been excluded from many of the top schools; to nonwhites, who had been segregated or under-represented; to the children of people who came to the United States precisely so that their children could go to college. For these groups, college was central to the experience of making it—not only financially but socially and personally. They were finally getting a bite at the apple. College was supposed to be hard. Its difficulty was a token of its transformational powers.

This is why “Why did we have to buy this book?” was such a great question. The student who asked it was not complaining. He was trying to understand how the magic worked. I (a Theory 2 person) wonder whether students at that college are still asking it.

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Revenue and Spending Cuts

As the political posturing and debating increases in Washington many of us are wondering what this will all end up meaning in the long haul. The long haul is what many politicians are envisioning and President Obama has been quoted saying that he will not sign a short term agreement. The long term is what is going to make companies spend and hire more employees. With all the uncertainty in the air many businesses are reluctant to invest in the market that is still extremely volatile. It will not be until stability is shown that the market will be less scared to invest in the future.

Democrats and Republicans are all going to have to make concessions in the deal that could potentially last two years. Republicans want extreme cuts to all programs and while Democrats have entertained the thought they also want an increase in revenue. The past ten years has been filled with tax cuts, mainly geared toward the wealthy. It is time we see a little role reversal. We must see tax rates that affect the wealthiest of Americans go up. The middle class is shrinking and if the tax rates for the wealthy continue to plummet the middle class will disappear and the wealth divide will only become more evident.

All in all we must see real change, the American political culture is polarizing to extremes that have not been seen since the civil war. These are two conflicting ideologies that are so different in the way they see economics and the market that it creates a war zone for political officials. This compromise must come quickly, if it doesn't and America defaults on its loans, get ready for the 2nd great depression. Millions more would lose their jobs and it would be years until a recovery would start to take place. It is time for those who represent us to do what is needed for their constituents so our economy can be fully utilized once more.

Friday, July 8, 2011

President Obama meets with Congressional Leaders

Yesterday President Obama met with many congressional leaders, including speaker Boehner and minority leader Pelosi. The President deemed the conversation constructive and said both sides were frank about expectations. That's great but that has been the story for the past 6 months, everyone is frank and nothing gets done.

This matter of extending the deficit should have been taken care of months ago. There is no consensus among politicians to where they want the country to go, even among the parties. All this back and forth has lead to unhappy constituents and companies who do not want to spend their money. Everything as of now is up in the air and I am starting to think that the President and the Speaker like roller coaster rides.

Here is my 2 cents on the matter for what its worth. First, you cannot stop the funding to programs that the majority of people depend on. Not all of us are sitting on loads of cash and can pay for heart surgery out of pocket. Second, the last thing the country needs is to cut funding to education, as we have seen in the last couple months education scores are at all time lows and some 2nd and 3rd grade students can not identify Abraham Lincoln, enough said. Third, for the deficit reduction to work you will need two things, A, more revenue and B, cuts on inflated programs. Inflated programs such as Defense and Discretionary spending, the way to tackle medicare and social security is not in cutting it, it will be taking some peoples hands out of it and revising current legislation that again favors the wealthy.

Tax revenue is easy and this will please both parties and make accountants life a piece of cake. First lets start with the business tax which is currently at a skewed 35 percent. I say skewed because I do not think any business actually pays 35 percent and the ones that might are typically the smaller less profitable businesses that struggle to pay their bills. My suggestion is take the business tax and reduce it to 19.8 percent, yes, you heard me right. Cut the business tax by 15.2 percent, but wait here's the kicker, NO LOOPHOLES. Make it a flat tax, by making it a flat tax the government would increase its revenue, I do not know exactly by how much but just think, General Electric did not pay a dime last year in taxes and made record profits. Whats wrong with that picture, companies are striving and people are starving.

For the people by the people is what the constitution states and if the people still want to own it, then they have to pay for it. Lets think back to 1950's and 60's when America was striving as whole, we had natural employment and home ownership was at an all time high. Guess, what the income tax rate was for those who made more than $250,000, whatever you said was probably wrong it was 70 percent. Guess what it is today, I am sure more of you know this answer, 35 percent. Now I am not saying we should go back to the 50's and 60's but it just shows that people can be taxed heavily and still be happy. There needs to be a tax hike on the wealthy, the Bush tax cut were the worst thing to ever be created, not to mention it was counter intuitive, we start a war and we tax our people less, how do we fund the war? Of course that's going to put us into debt. Now the wealthy will see a marginal 6.5 percent tax increase over the next four years and the rest of the people will see a 2.5 percent tax increase.

All in all we need to be able to fund our fundamentals, which are education and health care. And its not because some grew up poor that it means that they can not attend college. The fastest way to a better life for most is through education. Sure you will have outliers in the mix but for the majority, education is the answer. The world is changing and laughing at the United States. As we bicker amongst ourselves over policy that should have ingrained long ago countries are outperforming us. And that is the change that needs to take place now.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Casey Anthony Verdict

After a 6 week trial and an 11 hour jury deliberation Casey Anthony was acquitted of murder. Now the mother who's two year old daughter never had a chance at life may find herself  out of jail by the end of July or beginning of August. Not only will she be free but she will have some money waiting for her, interviews, shows and possibly documentaries will be made on this case and that will correlate into money for the "not guilty" mother.

Casey Anthony will have all she has ever wanted, freedom, money and the spotlight. Even all of that does not buy happiness, will she be able to live with the death of her daughter or will she fall into a pit of despair? The world will be watching.

The trial that began six weeks ago that was thought to be a shoe-in for any prosecutor has turned into one of the biggest legal nightmares in recent history. But why has it turned in to this nightmare of sorts, the legal system was designed as a fair caste of rules that does not always bring out pleasurable outcomes. The nightmares that have come out of this are self inflicted. Yes, everyone is entitled to an opinion but those who sometimes speak, speak with thwarted facts and figures. It is not easy to stay objective in the world today but in a case like this we cannot blame any third parties for decisions made. All that is left to do is respect the outcomes and opinions others present, just as we would oblige if we were involved in such a horrendous situation.